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Nanny & Babysitting Agency

And then there were 4!

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My husband and I have two gorgeous boys. Our eldest is just over 2 and our newest addition is 3 months old!

People have been asking me what it is like going from one to two? The first word that comes to mind is that it is BUSY! Well of course it is busy, possibly a better word would be chaotic, challenging getting out the door on most days, tiring, there are a lot more nappies ( I honestly forgot how many nappies a little baby goes through) and generally someone always needs a new one just as you are about to walk out the door, much more washing, less time and it is more challenging as you have to meet both of your children’s needs.

And then there were 4!

I remember when I was pregnant I couldn’t imagine how I could love another child as much as my first born and found it hard to imagine going from the 3 of us to 4 of us.

However the warmth in your heart opens even more than you could possibly imagine and I get double the love with my beautiful boys. Seeing my eldest interact with his “baby brother” as he likes to call him is just so sweet and I truly know that giving him a sibling is a wonderful gift and I hope they will be really good friends or at least they will have someone to fight with.

Now that our second has come along I can’t imagine our life any other way.

I am certainly no super mum, some days are great and some days are perhaps more challenging and I don’t think that there’s any way to make a seamless adjustment from one to two children however I do have some tips that I would like to share:

You do forget how tiring it is having a newborn or perhaps you don’t really forget you may have just blocked it out. Try to sleep when the baby sleeps during the day. If there are days when you have both children getting a friend, family member, nanny or babysitter to entertain your toddler so that you can rest can make the world of difference. Also if you are able to get a night nanny or maternity nurse so that you can sleep especially in those early weeks can be wonderful.

Sleeping baby and mother

Crazy o clock is even more chaotic with two so not having to worry about cooking made such a difference. My husband is amazing and most days he walks in the door and makes dinner. Get your partner to make the dinner, order some pre cooked dinners which you literally need to heat up and throw a salad with can be great. Accept prepared meals from friends and family. One of my amazing friends made several portions of food and stocked our freezer which was very kind and much appreciated.

You will not get a chance to clean the house every day. Let’s face it some days it is a challenge to clean yourself. Some days you will just not get everything done but that is okay. Washing may sit on the line dry sometimes for days but it will get put away eventually.

The house may look like some form of war zone at times however as long as the children are safe, fed and happy it has been a good day.


I always remember my mum telling me that when you have children it is important to have some time away from your children and now I understand how important it is for your well being and to be a better parent. I never thought I would be excited to go to the supermarket alone! This does not count as me time! One is not the loneliest number.

A haircut, massage (now I really must make some appointments)!

Also your partner should also have some me time as they also are working hard and then it is all hands on deck when they get home.
We also can’t forget about US time and regular date nights. Contact Rockmybaby to book a babysitter so you and your
partner can have a child free night! Enjoy and maybe stay out until midnight! (yawn)

Me time

It is a big adjustment for your eldest having a new addition as it is for the whole family.

Your older child who has been your baby, although they seem huge next to the baby is still your baby too and make sure you give them lots of cuddles and attention. Get your partner, family member, friend, nanny or babysitter  to look after the baby so that you can take your toddler out to the park, or on an adventure for some special mummy time.

And now that I have two children it is a lot easier to put things into perspective. The first time around I really didn’t know how fast it really goes. It really does and although some days are hard I wouldn’t change it for anything. Watching your children grow and develop is the most amazing thing in the world and enjoying every special moment.

Written By Mireille Blackmore


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